Sunday, May 22, 2011


I haven't gone to a public pool to swim for years and today I went for a short 30 mins swim. Why only 30 mins? Cos I can't stand being there for any longer that's why.

I passed by the pool yesterday and it was relatively empty so I was quite excited to go today but it was very crowded today (note to self, go on Saturdays not Sundays or find a more private pool) and not only was it hard to swim because there are people crossing your path either from the front or from the side. Most of all, I can't stand people next to me who will cough out phelgm into the 'drains' surrounding the pool. Don't they know what they spit out comes back into the pool? Pure disgusting and that fellow does it all the time.

On top of that, there were a lot of sunbathers in tight g-strings and leopard prints but on the wrong gender mind you...all these on guys...arrghh that's is going to give me nightmares for a long time to come.

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