Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh What A Day!

Planned to catch a movie today but ended up doing more and had a wonderfully fruitful day! Set my alarm early but woke up even earlier, perhaps body clock is now tuned to waking up earlier. So read a bit of my story book and then shower and left to have breakfast at my favorite lor mee stall....yippee.

Took a train down to Dhoby Ghaut and seeing that I still have time, decided to stop by Smiggles to check out their stock, I saw them promoting the shop outside PS last Saturday but was running late then so went back to check it out today. Despite how early it was the shop was crowded. Didn't buy anything but spotted these tins which I would considered buying if not for the long queue. Basically what enticed me was each tin has their own lid unlike some of the other storage tins they have in this store, some are merely stacked on one another so the 2nd and 3rd tin will ended up without a lid but not these tins i saw.

Next, I checked out Diva (coincidentally another Aussie shop), I passed by that shop a few times and saw that they have this jewellery storage bag but again the last time I was rushing for time and today I was able to take my leisure time. So finally bought it and that's the most expensive stuff I bought the entire day. Hope it will be useful and worth it's value.

Finally, it was time for my movie and I made my way to Cathay. Queue was long due to today being a public holiday. Caught Thor, nicer movie than I thought and I cried a few times till 1 of my contact lens dropped out but luckily I was able to find it hehe.

I had been watching movies monthly but due to time constraints I wasn't able to catch the full movie the last few times so this is actually my first full movie for a longgggg time and it was so worth it. Glad to be able to spent some time relaxing (not that the shopping wasn't relaxing enough hehe).

Next up was Art Friend at Bras Brasah, I popped by the shop last Saturday but they were already closed for the day and I decided to try my luck, hoping they are open today and they were! Goody good, managed to find what I wanted and also some ideas for X'mas as well as some craft stuff. Now all I need is find the time to do them hehe. However, I also realized there are many stuff that are probably available overseas that can't be found here locally sigh.

Once I am done at Art Friend, I dropped by Bugis planning to take the train home but not sure what prompted me to head upstairs to Muji but boy was I glad I did. They have since imported some new items and the new arrivals are not exactly expensive either, bravo! Bought some storage boxes for a friend's birthday given that she really needs to clean up her room (Not meant as an insult) and these boxes should help sort out some of her knick knacks. At the same time, it was refreshing to find out some bags that I was eyeing at Art Friend selling at a cheaper price a Muji. Unbelievable but true. So come X'mas I will be rummaging at Muji but hope they will still have the items I want (Already thinking whether I should go back and get those bags I wanted and keep them for X'mas instead hmmm).

That marked the end of a fruitful day for I am hungry and carrying too much stuff with me although I very much wanted to head to Parkway to check out a book at the book rental place but I shall leave that for another day.

Although it was a weekday but I must say it was very well spent and much more enjoyable than my weekends and the day can only get better. As today is a non-working day I wouldn't need to dial into my weekly teleconference call and I can just chill out in front of the tv and watch all my favorite tv programs - CSI is back again starting tonight!!! Yippeeeeeee

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