Sunday, December 5, 2010


Finally chopped off my long hair today...why chopped and not cut? Cos I really really want a very short cut this time round. The last time I have short hair must be when I was in Secondary 2, wow, do the maths.

Anyway I don't really think the cut is very flattering but as time goes by I know I will accept it and in fact the stylist cut it to slightly below my shoulder but what I want was truly short like, above my neckline...hehe but stylist said I have not had short hair for so long, he is worried I will regret so told me to keep to this length for now and in a few months time when I go back for a trim if I am not happy with the length, he will cut it really really short as per my ideal.

But overall I am happy because my long hair was getting stale, hard to manage, dragging me down, the fringe the hair, makes me look so unkemp. And the good news is short hair dries really fast so next time I can wash my hair at night and know it will dry up prior to bedtime...yippee!

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