Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Really really tired and not just saying tired for the sake of tired. Must be a sign that my body is asking me to take a break or something.

These days will be very sleep early in the evening, by early I meant before 12 midnight and go to work feeling as if I am sleepwalking. Not even sure how I survived this whole week...must be on backup battery.

Could be a side effect of the medication I am taking but somehow I also feel my muscles straining or aching when I stretch versus in the past, no such issue.

Anyway with the holidays coming and me getting a few days off, will wait and see if my body will recover from its lethargicness.

Kinda Pissed

Not sure if it is considered a good pissed or bad pissed. The dress that I posted that I love, the first one, is now on further discount. Kinda make me ask myself why I jumped into it when I could have save $20 from the original if I buy it now...arrghhh.

And note to myself : Stop buying only ALL black dresses and tops!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Another wise choice

This is another dress that I bought from an online shop which is a wise choice. These days I am in a dress craze, buying lots of dresses as I am lazy to mix and match. When this dress first arrived, the elastic band area feels a bit tight but that could be because I tried it on with another top below.

I wore it to work today and was so happy with this purchase because it just flows down my legs and it was soft and mould to my body. Very comfy indeed. I was already worried about the length, thinking it is too short but because it has a tulip skirt design, it doesn't open up at the hem thus even when I am climbing stairs or walking, it doesn't expose the back of my legs as I thought it will be.

2 more packages and I have all my packages on hand hehe.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Good Buy

If you have been reading my past entries, you will know that I have been doing some online shopping like crazy. And I really mean crazy.

Anyhow today one of the item arrived and it is by far the most expensive item I bought from that site and also by far, my best buy since it feels so lush against my skin and yes it shows some of my bumps when I wear them but next time I will be sure to suck in my stomach...can't wait to find an occasion to wear it and also possibly pair it with a belt. It is a very simple dress but sometimes simplicity is the key.

Only downside is while going to the website to get a picture for all to see, I noticed the price had dropped by 5 pounds, sucks, could have save more money. But to be honest, sometimes when you wait, the price might have gone down but your size is out...what a bummer.

I have 2 other items that I bought on the same day until another purchase so let's see if the purchases will arrive tomorrow!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Finally chopped off my long hair today...why chopped and not cut? Cos I really really want a very short cut this time round. The last time I have short hair must be when I was in Secondary 2, wow, do the maths.

Anyway I don't really think the cut is very flattering but as time goes by I know I will accept it and in fact the stylist cut it to slightly below my shoulder but what I want was truly short like, above my neckline...hehe but stylist said I have not had short hair for so long, he is worried I will regret so told me to keep to this length for now and in a few months time when I go back for a trim if I am not happy with the length, he will cut it really really short as per my ideal.

But overall I am happy because my long hair was getting stale, hard to manage, dragging me down, the fringe the hair, makes me look so unkemp. And the good news is short hair dries really fast so next time I can wash my hair at night and know it will dry up prior to bedtime...yippee!


Spent so much money splurging on clothes online due to the drop in some overseas currencies as well as some offering free shipping etc etc. But even though I am busy paying off my credit card bills for these purchases, I am on the other hand very excited and eagerly awaiting the purchases to arrive one by one.

Yep one by one because I purchased at least 4 - 5 different times and so far only 1 package had arrived but that's good enough for now as it contained some X'mas presents I ordered...the other packages will solely be for ME!