Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cactus Honey Powder

Not sure if I mentioned this before but I have been wanting to find this powder for a while and all along I thought it was a Korean brand because the brand sounds Korean and on top of that, I read on a blog and that person mentioned it is Korean too.

Anyway I passed by a Korean supermarket today and the last time I went I can't find it at all but I found it today although it is in a box form and not the packet form I was looking for. The box show it is a Product of USA..hmmm.

I tried it when I reached my office and the taste is like normal honey drink though it is not honey but neither is there a cactus taste. I wouldn't mind continue to try it, it is organic and natural. The box states that you can use the powder to make cakes and all, sounds a bit weird but if I want to make coffee or tea and need a sweetener I think this will be it.

Guess from now on, I will look out for it when I got US or when I pass by another Korean supermarket.

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