Wednesday, February 25, 2009

After the rain...

Isn't this a lovely picture? After having some rain in the afternoon, this is a sight to behold! It makes everyone in the office excited and running to snap a photo of it. What a beauty! Too bad I can't see the whole rainbow! Photo taken from my office window!


I mean rubber boots not leather boots AKA Wellingtons or Waders in other parts of the world. I guess in our country, you will only see construction workers and firemen wearing these boots but hey, what if they comes in different prints and different colours versus the same old same old bright yellow?

That's where Chinese Laundry comes in, they make the boots in prints so colourful, I think no males will want to wear it and be labelled sissies. The name for these boots are call Dirty Laundry hehe!

If I have a garden, I wouldn't mind buying one pair to do my gardening. I will either be known as the Chic Gardener or the Wild Gardener, grrrr!!!!


I know of friends who will travel to see fireflies in Kota Tinggi in Malaysia. But what if you love them so much and cannot commute so often?

Give yourself the gift of Firefly Lights! You can even buy the solar powered version to save yourself any electrical bill while you enjoy the lights.

Perfect if you have a garden though, you wouldn't want these in your bedroom.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Decisions Decisions

Why issit that I am not a so-called Executive of the Company but yet I am constantly making Executive Decisions on behalf of the Company? Hmmm

Monday, February 23, 2009


Article from divinecaroline.

Ten Companies with Amazing Perks

Think you’ve got it good at work? Think again. If you don’t work at one of these companies, you’re in the bush leagues. Want a glimpse at the majors, perkwise? Read on.

1. Genentech
an Francisco biotech giant DNA by the Bay, as employees affectionately call it, is the absolute paradigm of perk-laden employers. What sets them apart? On-site daycare not just for the kids, but pets too. Doggie daycare and optional bargain pet insurance are offered as well.

Add to that six-week paid sabbaticals to prevent burnout, a free shuttle service that garners employees a four-dollar daily credit, drop off laundry service, and seasonal produce stands in company cafeterias. Jealous yet?

2. Patagonia
For employees at Patagonia, the Ventura, California-based outdoor clothing and equipment company, “surf’s up” is more than a marketing ploy. Daily surf reports are posted at the reception desk and particularly outstanding swells generate a company-wide loudspeaker announcement.

Running out to catch a few waves during the workday is an accepted practice and way to keep employees from burning out. Surfing not your thing? Company bikes are waiting outside, as are volleyball courts. Want a more reflective break? Head back inside for the on-site yoga.

3. Chesapeake Energy
Fancy yourself a Jacques Cousteau type? Chesapeake Energy, the largest independent producer of natural gas in United States (and third-largest overall), has an on-site daycare center, a generous benefits package, and a beautiful Oklahoma City campus.

Oh, and scuba certification classes at the company’s very own Olympic-sized swimming pool. Chesapeake pays for the instructors and learning materials. All you need are flippers and a love of the deep.

4. Quicken Loans
Thanks to a cool head and a corporate culture that prides itself on ethics, online mortgage lender Quicken avoided the sub-prime mortgage mess. That a mortgage company survived the crisis ought to be enough of a perk.

But, for sports and music fans, it gets better. CEO Dan Gilbert owns the Cleveland Cavaliers so employees of Michigan-based Quicken get transportation to and seats at Quicken Loans Arena on game days and whenever their favorite band is playing.

5. Holder Construction Company
Never heard of them? Neither had we, but this Atlanta-based company consistently scores in the top of the Great Place to Work Institute’s best medium-sized companies.

Holder offers several intangible perks on top of the usual good ones. To wit: twenty-six paid vacation days, a permanent annual floating “employee appreciation” holiday in addition to the ten regular ones, generous cash advances (more than $200,000 was given out last year to just 350 employees), and a “Family Paid Time Off” program for personal emergencies separate from sick or vacation days.

6. EBay
Daily grind putting your stress meter in the red? Not a problem for workers at the online auctioneer’s two San Jose, California campuses. EBay sets aside ergonomic meditation and prayer rooms decorated in relaxation-inducing colors and replete with pillows and comfy mats so employees can take a load off.

This New York-based audit, tax, and advisory firm proves that when it comes to understanding the need to balance work and play, the Europeans aren’t the only ones who get the big picture.
KPMG employees get five weeks of paid vacation after a year on the job. Vive la difference.

8. Camden Property
Trust Employees at Camden, a Houston-based real estate company, get full dental coverage and higher education assistance. But here, working in real estate has its perks, as all employees get a 20 percent rent discount on company-owned property.

With over 180 residential complexes across the country, including several in Houston and San Diego, finding a home is a no-brainer. With the price of gas and food going through the roof, a fifth off on that roof over your head is nothing to sneeze at.

9. Accenture
Sometimes, the best job is the one that lets you not come to the office at all. At Accenture, the global consulting and tech firm, the work day begins wherever you might be or want to be—a full 92 percent of employees telecommute.

Staffers get reimbursed for home office set ups and are required to work just one hour a week to get health insurance. And, it’s family friendly. New moms get eight paid post-delivery weeks off; dads get one.

10. Google
Their perks are so the stuff of legend that it feels almost redundant to discuss them. Everyone has heard about Google’s free laundry rooms, organic food, gym, massages, bike repairs, on-site doctors, barbers, and game rooms.

Never one to be outdone, Google now offers employees $1,000 toward the purchase of a hybrid vehicle. Add to that the tax break Uncle Sam gives you for going green and Googlers will never have to cry at the pump again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Clear sky

This is how the view is like from my office on a clear day without the haze! Tons of difference.

Monday, February 16, 2009

True Spa

Ha this spa is already having legal problems because customers who signed up aren't able to book any appointments and yet they are still doing cold calls to get people to go for a free trial.

Thanks but no thanks!

Lousy Air

Wonder what's wrong with the skies these days, news reports state it is not because of fires in Sumatra and I believe that's truth because there isn't any smell of smoke but then how come the sky looks like these and the visibility is so low??? I used to be able to see landscapes far away.

The above photo was taken last Friday in the evening from my office lift lobby

The above photo was taken this morning from my office.

Friday, February 13, 2009

New York New York

Jez, barely a month after the emergency landing of a plane in the Hudson river, there comes a plane crash in upstate NY.

Read the news here

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a joke!

Green M&Ms

In celebration of Valentine's Day, M&M'S has released its limited edition All-Green chocolate candies. In addition, they are helping lovers connect this Valentine's Day by giving one very lucky couple the chance to win a romantic weekend in her favorite city, Paris.

How nice is that? But unfortunately the contest is only open to those who are residents of the United States. I really need to emigrate!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


With Valentine's Day around the corner, this is a gift from me to you, free and corny haha.

Allow me to send you a few kisses at Kiss Me


Wow this is scary especially when my craving for BKT from across the causeway is starting again! What's there to steal when everyone is using their EZlink card or cash that gets deposited into a money box?

This article is from Channel News Asia.

SBS Transit driver attacked by parang—wielding men in JB

SINGAPORE: A Singapore bus driver was attacked by parang—wielding men in a bold robbery attempt in the southern Malaysian city of Johor Bahru on Tuesday evening.

The incident occurred on SBS Transit bus service number 160 which had just left the Kotaraya shopping centre. It was heading for the Woodlands Checkpoint at the border with Singapore.

A caller to MediaCorp’s News hotline said the driver was slashed with a parang when he tried to close the door on the men who were trying to board.

An SBS Transit spokesman told Channel NewsAsia that the injured driver would be transferred from the Johor General Hospital to Singapore soon.

He is believed to be a Singapore permanent resident in his early thirties.

It is not known how many passengers were on board at the time of the incident or if any of them were injured. The assailants fled immediately after the incident.

Service 160 plies between Kotaraya in Johor Bahru and the Jurong East Interchange in Singapore, and the journey usually takes about 70 minutes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


As reported in CNN.

47 year-old man marries 8 year-old girl

Just another strange facet of Islamic culture: The man promised to wait until she reached puberty before having "relations" with her.

Does it even make a difference? This man can be her grandfather already!


Good job boy!

Nine-year-old writes hit iPhone app

You might think you're pretty hot stuff because you've figured out how to change your Facebook status from your iPhone, but you've got nothing on nine-year-old Lim Ding Wen.

This young prodigy from Singapore is fluent in six programming languages, according to a BBC report this week, and his newest creation, an iPhone drawing game called Doodle Kids, has racked up over 4,000 downloads in just two weeks. He wrote it for his younger sisters, who love to draw.

Doodle Kids, which lets players sketch with their fingers on the iPhone's screen and shake it, Etch-A-Sketch-style, to clear, has already racked up a healthy three-and-a-half star rating on the App Store. One reviewer commented: "Awesome app!...Amazing that something like this was made by a 9 year old".

Monday, February 9, 2009

Birth Order

How does your birth order shape your personality?

If You’re the Second or Middle-Born …
Second and middle-born’s tend to be a bit opposite of first-borns. A middle child can be: a loner, quiet and shy, sociable, outgoing, friendly, laid-back, a peacemaker, aggressive, very competitive, or not at all. (Basically unpredictable.)

Their behavior traits are not as firmly etched as the first-borns, for their role model is usually not the parents much, but their friends. Friends are very important to this birth order. Also, the middle-born (and seconds) can observe the first-born and pick up some traits there, or decide to go in the other direction.

Although they’re far more outgoing than first-borns, middles are the most secretive. They’re also the most monogamous of all birth orders (My middle brother really takes to children and married life) and have less hang-ups. (There’s not as much parental pressure to succeed.) In essence, they’re very balanced.

They have excellent people-oriented social skills and often make great managers and leaders because they understand compromise and negotiation.

Wow, again this is quite true for me. I wouldn't say I got excellent people-oriented social skills but I have passable ones.


What's the best career for a Gemini?

Want to make a Gemini happy? Give her plenty to do and make it intellectually stimulating. Remember that Geminis are twins, which means you have to engage two people, so they need to have a lot going on and like fast-paced, pressured environments. They won’t survive long doing tedious or repetitive work. Jobs that require travel are perfect, as are jobs that require social networking. Geminis are optimistic and full of energy—they should be encouraged to let go and express themselves rather than be confined to traditional rules. Best jobs: stockbroker, switchboard operator, technical support, teacher, architect, machine operator, rescue worker.

Those in purple definitely reflect me very well!

lil' twinkle

How I wish I can take the plunge and setup an online shop as well...I shall keep this dream in my mind and heart and hopefully one day I can also be able to be a self employed haha.

Anyway, this entry is dedicated to my fren JT who lives in KL and has recently worked with her sister to setup an online shop call Lil' Twinkle, selling clothing, accessories and all things for babies and kids. Goods are sold in Malaysian Ringgit, should be quite cheap for those who comes from a country whereby the currency is stronger in value.

It actually helps that her sister has a son who like to pose but so far I have not seen him make his debut on the online shop but I shall wait and see.

So for those of you reading who have babies or young children, go ahead and do some online shopping today!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's not what you know but who you know.

Found out from an ex-colleague that one of my ex-company is closing down the Training section and thus he will be out of a job. But when I found out another ex-colleague who is also in the Training section is not affected, I feel so 'mad'.

Cos this ex-colleague is not a performer but very good at PR...and suck up to the right tree. So it doesn't really come as a surprise that her job is secured. Just felt that to let someone who can perform leave and keep one who is a weed, that just doesn't make much sense to me.

But in the corporate world, this is life, it is not what you know but who you know that matters, so have to accept it no matter what!

Boo Boo

Today I made a boo boo but maybe can be the judge of it.

I was in the train today and I have been noticing a lady who was wearing a baby doll top and seems that she has a bump but no one gave up their seat to her so I was like hmm typical when the lady in front of me alighted there was an empty seat and I signalled to this lady to see if she wanted that seat...she gave me those deer caught in the headlights kind of fear look and wave no.

So I took the seat and thinking, maybe she wasn't pregnant and is shock that I gave up the seat to her...but after seating down, I kept looking her way and really did notice a bump under her am I right or am I mistaken?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just my luck!

I hope this is not a sign of things to come for me in the Year of the Ox.

Sunday - while having dinner, I had this itchy sensation on my right thigh and I reached my hand down to scratch but because I was sitting in between the table legs, the space was limited. So instead of relieving the itch, I ended up with a fingernail scratch on my right thigh.

Monday - I closed the windows and the door while I sleep because there have been an influx of mosquitoes around my house recently. So I had to turn on my fan and my fan make funny noises if it is angled differently. So in the middle of the night, I was awaken by the grrrrrrrr of the fan and I woke up to lift the fan higher. In the process, my finger slipped inside the grille and I now have a cut on my finger from the blades of the fan. But I was so tired that I didn't turn on the lights to check the cut, I just simply wash off the blood in the toilet and head back to bed. Only noticing the cut the next morning. It makes wearing clothes, showering and typing such a chore.

Tuesday - Thank goodness peaceful.

Today - I decided to come to work after lunch because I have to work till 10 pm earliest tonight as I have a teleconference which I have decided to take from the office. But of all days, my boss cannot reach one of my colleague in the office and found out both of us are coming in late today. So she sent me an email saying she doesn't mind but will appreciate it if I kept her informed that I have modified my working hours in the future. I turned on my blackberry the moment I woke up and read my emails and replied her today. I wouldn't call it modifying my working hours, it was just a one-time thing.

Anyway over, hopefully all peaceful for the rest of the year.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Smelling like a rose!

I visited some friends on Saturday and had the pleasure of seeing my friend's baby for the first time. She is simply so cute and love love.

Anyway I came back home and while taking off my top I smell babyyyyy...I haven't smell like a baby for a while cos I haven't really been carrying alot of babies.

I took some pictures of the baby and can't wait to post it but I need her mum to say yes. So, can I? SL?