Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Waking up to a new era

Waking up to a new era for the whole world...a brand new President of the United States of America.

I have been very supportive of President Obama cos I have a thing for the underdogs I guess.

This election has been relatively memorable becos :

- I was in the US for holidays when the elections was taking place.
- I visited Honolulu in the last trip and we were shown Punahou High School, Obama's alma mater. Of cos, we snap photos!
- We were flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles on 4th November when the pilot announced the elections results as and when the news came in.
- Everyone on the plane was tuned into CNN/NBC/CBS/BBC, etc 'live' (yes, the plane was equipped with all the news channel but you can only watch within 30 mins of landing as the signals appear)
- Many on the plane clapped as Barack Obama was announced as the new 44th President of US of A by the pilot.
- We were asked many "Do you know who is our new President?" as we travelled along the West Coast and our answer of course is "But, of course".

So on top of that, I am excited to know what Obama's policies will be towards energy conservation and whether he will spend money beyond the government's limits (haha, that's a joke and something that MC and her family is waiting to see as well).

And now if anyone were to ask you if you can do something. You should answer saying "Yes, we can!"...this is the new response of those witnessing the new era.

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