Monday, January 26, 2009

It's a Cult!

I say this man has the charisma to probably charm the moon from the sky...not that we want him to do that.

Anyhow, I suppose it is due to him that many Americans actually willingly step out of their house, spent hours queuing at the voting centre just to vote, who they vote for, we will never know but many must have vote for him - Barack Hussein Obama. And many more spent thousands of dollars buying tickets to see him at his Inauguration dinner and/or beg their senator for tickets to attend his Inauguration. See what I mean?

It's not only the common people, even the celebrities are his fans. Endorsing him through the shirt they wear and through the songs they sing. must be one of his biggest fan.

Here's 2 songs that sang to 'worship' Obama.

Yes, We Can! (This one is made using a speech made by Obama in New Hampshire, see if you can spot who are the celebrities in the mtv)

We Are the Ones (Again, celebrities endorsing him, quite a nice mtv I must say)

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