Thursday, January 29, 2009

A first for Singapore

Naked couple surprises diners in stroll

A couple treated open air diners to a 15-minute naked parade in Singapore, triggering both embarrassment and applause for a scene almost unheard of in the conservative city-state.

Pub manager Terence Chia told the Straits Times newspaper he saw the couple taking off their clothes Saturday night at a staircase in a block of flats in Holland Village, known for its popular nightspots.

"Then, clothes in hand, they coolly walked in their flip-flops toward the market," he said, adding when the couple did a U-turn a sea of spectators was ready and poised with cameras.

"There were more than 200 people and everyone was taking pictures," the newspaper Wednesday quoted Chia as saying. "Even women were busy clicking and people were cheering, whistling and applauding like crazy."

Police said the couple, a Caucasian man and an ethnic Chinese woman in their 20s, had been arrested and released on bail. If convicted under Singapore law, they could face a fine of maximum fine of S$2000 ($1,330), up to 3 months in jail, or both.

Protests are rare in Singapore and only made legal last year in a designated area called "Speakers' Corner," modeled on London's Hyde Park.

"They looked really comfortable walking down the street, which led to many curious stares," wrote blogger Leonard Tan. "Singapore is getting more and more exciting."
(Story : Reuters)

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's a Cult!

I say this man has the charisma to probably charm the moon from the sky...not that we want him to do that.

Anyhow, I suppose it is due to him that many Americans actually willingly step out of their house, spent hours queuing at the voting centre just to vote, who they vote for, we will never know but many must have vote for him - Barack Hussein Obama. And many more spent thousands of dollars buying tickets to see him at his Inauguration dinner and/or beg their senator for tickets to attend his Inauguration. See what I mean?

It's not only the common people, even the celebrities are his fans. Endorsing him through the shirt they wear and through the songs they sing. must be one of his biggest fan.

Here's 2 songs that sang to 'worship' Obama.

Yes, We Can! (This one is made using a speech made by Obama in New Hampshire, see if you can spot who are the celebrities in the mtv)

We Are the Ones (Again, celebrities endorsing him, quite a nice mtv I must say)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Still Fighting It

While going through my blog on MSN, came across my entry on this song Still Fighting It by Ben Folds.

Find the lyrics meaningful...we all know growing up is painful haha

Good morning, son.
I am a bird
Wearing a brown polyester shirt
You want a coke?Maybe some fries?
The roast beef combo's only $9.95
It's okay, you don't have to pay
I've got all the change

Everybody knows
It hurts to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
And you're so much like me
I'm sorry

Good morning, son
In twenty years from now
Maybe we'll both sit down and have a few beers
And I can tell you 'bout today
And how I picked you up and everything changed
It was pain
Sunny days and rain
I knew you'd feel the same things

Everybody knows
It sucks to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
You'll try and try and one day you'll fly
Away from me

Good morning, son
I am a bird

It was pain
Sunny days and rain
I knew you'd feel the same things

Everybody knows
It hurts to grow up
And everybody does
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what
The years go on and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it
Oh, we're still fighting it, we're still fighting it

And you're so much like me
I'm sorry

CBTL card

Who would be able to tell this is my card if they were to pick it up? As you can tell, the condition of the card goes to show how often I patronize this cafe!


Here's mii playing wii.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mii and Wii

Woke up today with an aching shoulders and blame it on my late night teleconference (where I had to lug my laptop and gear together with my heavy sports bags home)

Anyhow I think the actual reason is becos mii was [sic] playing wii. My dad bought the wii console 2 days ago and we finally set it up yesterday...I ended up being the official representative of the family to try out the games.

Guess what? It is not easy work, you end up with aching arms bowling, just like my mum but you get rewarded with 6 7 homeruns while playing baseball. That should keep the family and visitors to our home during the Lunar New Year, well entertained.

I shall take a picture of mii playing wii the next time I play, provided I don't get too engrossed hehe

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This new US President is driving his fans in a frenzy and raising the economy through sales of his paraphernalia.

Good job, Barack, what positive news even though you just took the hot seat in less than 24 hours.

For those who hasn't seen enough, check out Cafepress. Let the Obamania begin.


I read this poem for the first time while surfing someone else's blog.

Obviously I am not a literature loving person so although I have heard of this poet but I have never read any of his works.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, I think this poem is kinda romantic haha. It is the poet's idea of what makes a man. And reminds me alot of the song by Bryan Adams call Never Let Go, in the movie soundtrack of The Guardian (the movie on US Coast Guards)


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

--Rudyard Kipling

Cute Kitty

Yesterday as I was walking home from the train station, I saw a cat sitting on its hind legs and looking up a tree. It was dark so I can't tell what it is looking at. But the cat was unmovable, usually they start to fidget when there are people who walk by them. But not this cat.

In fact, there were many passerbys and that is the reason why I wasn't able to snap a photo and post it here for you to see.

So my guess is, there must be a female cat up in the tree. As they say, patience and sincerity wins the lady haha.

Waking up to a new era

Waking up to a new era for the whole world...a brand new President of the United States of America.

I have been very supportive of President Obama cos I have a thing for the underdogs I guess.

This election has been relatively memorable becos :

- I was in the US for holidays when the elections was taking place.
- I visited Honolulu in the last trip and we were shown Punahou High School, Obama's alma mater. Of cos, we snap photos!
- We were flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles on 4th November when the pilot announced the elections results as and when the news came in.
- Everyone on the plane was tuned into CNN/NBC/CBS/BBC, etc 'live' (yes, the plane was equipped with all the news channel but you can only watch within 30 mins of landing as the signals appear)
- Many on the plane clapped as Barack Obama was announced as the new 44th President of US of A by the pilot.
- We were asked many "Do you know who is our new President?" as we travelled along the West Coast and our answer of course is "But, of course".

So on top of that, I am excited to know what Obama's policies will be towards energy conservation and whether he will spend money beyond the government's limits (haha, that's a joke and something that MC and her family is waiting to see as well).

And now if anyone were to ask you if you can do something. You should answer saying "Yes, we can!"...this is the new response of those witnessing the new era.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Be a volunteer today.

Wow, volunteerism has really expanded. Too bad, in our sunny island, volunteering is still based on word of mouth, highly unhigh-tech.

If you are in US and up to spending your time on a good cause, you can visit VolunteerMatch, a website that helps you find an organization to volunteer based on your location or on your interest. A map is also provided to show you the exact location of the venue...fabulous idea.

Keep the volunteerism spirit going!

The thought that counts

Ever heard of Changing the Present?

It connects you with more than 1500 meaningful charitable gifts that change the world. Browse by cause or nonprofit to find the perfect gift for friends or for your own charitable giving.

Now, you can make the world a better place to be, one gift at a time


Finally get off my ass and set up another blog yakking about my opinions, views, reflections, whinings, observations, you name it!