Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Bee Zee day

After a long day out yesterday I was busy surfing and then finally logoff near midnight to take a shower before settling in before the tv to watch a rerun of the Amazing Race which I missed earlier as I was still out.

Only then I realized G.O.S.H my credit card bill is due that day and I had to boot up my computer again to pay via internet banking and by the time the transaction was over, the payment was already overdue. Had to call the customer service line to make sure they don't charge me for late payment. That done, I finally sat down in front of the tv and watch my tv program and after the show was over, I switched channel and saw there was a replay of the Spurs and Man Utd match so watched that till all 3 goals were scored from Man Utd before I switched off and went to bed.

Woke up early today as I needed to do some work before I go off for my appointments for today. Turned out what I was expecting was not sent out from US so ended up chatting on msn with my 2 colleagues in the office while clearing off emails from the last 2 days. Logoff and shower and headed out to town to have lunch with ex-colleague then.

Spent 3 hours catching up with her and then went to do some banking errands, walking up and down Orchard Road just to commute between 2 banks. Thank goodness the weather was ok and not scorching hot. That done, I decided to run down to the CBD to another bank as they have requested for my latest passport copy so went down and was in and out by 15 mins.

Left there to head back to Orchard where my dinner appointment was but had some 2 hours before meeting that friend so went to had my manicure done (FINALLY!), saw a tv actress doing her nails there as wel. Was not even paying her any attention IF she had not called attention to herself by wearing sunglasses indoor (DUH). Maybe she was expecting me to take out my photo to snap her photo etc but hey I am not 'star'struck ok. And besides my phone has no camera function haha (yeah very archaic phone I know).

Finally done with my nails and met up with my friend for dinner and drink and made my way home, shower and login to complete some work again before changing laptop to blog surf and blog.

Freeing myself up the next 2 days but another friend just smsed to say she can meet me tomorrow afternoon so I will probably head to town for my accupuncture and then head back towards home to meet this friend. Not a direct route but no choice. But it is a more relaxed day as it looks like I will only be occupied in the afternoon which is good, can catch up on my reading and errr start my DIY project which I have been talking about for months. Spring cleaning will have to wait haha.

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