Saturday, June 16, 2012


Seriously, how depressing can it get? With the GSS on, there are lots of Singaporeans out there trying to get some good deals.  Although I am not the type who will just shop because there is a GSS going on but was in town yesterday and had some time so decided to go for a hair cut.  Ended up spending more than I expected but so be it.

Since there was a GSS going on, there was also a lucky draw in the mall.  And I got a $5 McD voucher and you know what? If I am a tourist, I get a free Samsonite backpack!!!! Where is the fairness of it all?

Further depression, as I was walking to the MRT station, I saw this big signage, asking tourists to redeem for a booklet where they will get big discounts from retailers if they present their passport at the concierge.

So don't tell me we are complaining too much when we are being discriminated by different parties and now we are worse off than tourists who are just passing through? Their $250 dollars is worth more than my $250??

Need to get out of here pronto!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do you get it?

A fren smses me today and while responding back and forth with her, she said "you should get a smartphone so you can enjoy free messaging".

And I replied "my phone plan comes with free 500 smses per month and I never use more than that either and whatsapp will only be useful for me if I sms overseas frens" and she said "whatsapp can also use locally"

I know it and get that but why would I need free messaging when I have 500 smses free anyway?

Do you get it? I don't.

p.s I hardly sms my overseas frens and the cost of paying for those global smses are definitely cheaper than paying a higher price for a smartphone.

So far so great

Had a great day yesterday, went for my accupuncture, when I was about to leave I had a discussion with the TCM, not very happy with what we communicated on but didn't think about it much until I left the clinic. Need to think on how to manage that prior to my next visit.

Anyway I left and head back east to meet up with a friend for coffee. Spent some time doing banking before the meet up. After coffee, we went together to fetch her son from Chinese class. Such a cutie-pie, haven't met him for a while and he still remembers who I am and had became quite chatty versus the shy boy he used to be. Attending kindergarten does makes him more sociable I guess.

After the meet up I went up to the bookstore to get some paint for my DIY project which I finally started working on today.

I woke up late and watched some tv and read my story book. After lunch I plunked myself in front of the computer and do some office work which took the whole afternoon and part of my evening before I headed off for my exercise class.

While working I did the 1st stage of the DIY project which is spray painting this piece of wood and I applied a few coats so you can imagine I took a while, since I had to apply, wait for it to dry and apply again.

Hope that I will have time to work on part 2 tomorrow which is to mark out the space and start drawing and painting!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Was surfing on Apartment Therapy when I saw this article on a house call Aktiv from ideabox. ideabox is based in Salem, Oregon and focus on prefab houses.

Anyway the design I wanted to talk about is Aktiv, it is a prefab and pre-furnished with furniture and fixtures from Ikea. Honestly I will buy it, it is 745 square feet and cost from USD 86,500. How are you going to get a house this size at this price and comes with all fixtures and furniture to boot in our sunny island? I will snap it up.

If you go to the page, you can see the photo gallery, basically nothing to complain about. And here's the floorplan, well design (except for the fact that your guests will have to walk through your bedroom to go to use your bathroom.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Bee Zee day

After a long day out yesterday I was busy surfing and then finally logoff near midnight to take a shower before settling in before the tv to watch a rerun of the Amazing Race which I missed earlier as I was still out.

Only then I realized G.O.S.H my credit card bill is due that day and I had to boot up my computer again to pay via internet banking and by the time the transaction was over, the payment was already overdue. Had to call the customer service line to make sure they don't charge me for late payment. That done, I finally sat down in front of the tv and watch my tv program and after the show was over, I switched channel and saw there was a replay of the Spurs and Man Utd match so watched that till all 3 goals were scored from Man Utd before I switched off and went to bed.

Woke up early today as I needed to do some work before I go off for my appointments for today. Turned out what I was expecting was not sent out from US so ended up chatting on msn with my 2 colleagues in the office while clearing off emails from the last 2 days. Logoff and shower and headed out to town to have lunch with ex-colleague then.

Spent 3 hours catching up with her and then went to do some banking errands, walking up and down Orchard Road just to commute between 2 banks. Thank goodness the weather was ok and not scorching hot. That done, I decided to run down to the CBD to another bank as they have requested for my latest passport copy so went down and was in and out by 15 mins.

Left there to head back to Orchard where my dinner appointment was but had some 2 hours before meeting that friend so went to had my manicure done (FINALLY!), saw a tv actress doing her nails there as wel. Was not even paying her any attention IF she had not called attention to herself by wearing sunglasses indoor (DUH). Maybe she was expecting me to take out my photo to snap her photo etc but hey I am not 'star'struck ok. And besides my phone has no camera function haha (yeah very archaic phone I know).

Finally done with my nails and met up with my friend for dinner and drink and made my way home, shower and login to complete some work again before changing laptop to blog surf and blog.

Freeing myself up the next 2 days but another friend just smsed to say she can meet me tomorrow afternoon so I will probably head to town for my accupuncture and then head back towards home to meet this friend. Not a direct route but no choice. But it is a more relaxed day as it looks like I will only be occupied in the afternoon which is good, can catch up on my reading and errr start my DIY project which I have been talking about for months. Spring cleaning will have to wait haha.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Rush Rush

One would have thought once they have a day off, they will take it easy but I don't know whether it is my nature or what but I just go out of the house to do 1 thing.

So today I had 2 to-do list on my list, 1 is to go for my facial and the other is my spa. So I thought I will leave my house early to go eat my favorite breakfast (yes, I am drugged by the lor mee stall auntie) BUT the whole hawker center is close today for washing. So I took a bus down to Tampines and grab a McD breakfast before my facial. As you would know, it can never replace the shiokness of having a hot bowl of lor mee especially on a rainy day. Even though I had buffer for lots of spare time before my next appointment, I didn't realized by the time I was done at the beautician, it was already 230pm and I was there since 1045am! Saw a promotion by a bank but no time to stop and chat.

My next appointment was at 330pm at Suntec so again as you have guessed it, I was running behind schedule. So I called them to say I will be late and then I had to run to this fast food restaurant to tapau something for dinner, take a bus midway to meet my mum to pass her the food and then hop on the bus again to go for my spa.

Spa treatment ended on time and I wanted to go for a manicure (something I wanted to do since last Friday) but then no slot (I was just randomly going to 1 of the nail salon which I never visited before) so I went by the bank downstairs, check out the promo, signed up and left.

Another busy but fulfilling day under the belt. Planned to do some work tomorrow in the morning but had to leave my house early to have lunch with an ex-colleague and then friend for dinner so guess work will have to wait till night unless I wake up early to work before I head out.

Will see, work is my lowest priority this week and since I am on leave, not being constantly online is indeed a luxury and honestly, work can wait but life can't!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

What a day!

My company has this policy that states all carried over leave from last year needs to be clear by 15th March or it will be forfeited so I cleared all my 7 days leave starting today.

Started my day by going to the library to return and borrow some books, pop by my favorite lor mee stall and have my lor mee. Go to the hospital for my specialist visit, was expecting not so good results due to recent anger management issues but results turned out to be good and within range.

Went for my spa appointment after that and then head back to my office area to meet my ex-colleagues for dinner and just came home not too long ago. Was planning to slot in a manicure before my dinner appointment but thought it will be too rush so headed straight for the restaurant instead and ended up waiting for more than an hour waiting for the rest to turn up but I was about to do some reading while waiting so all is not wasted.

Although I was checking my emails and responding to office calls, I have yet to think of a day that I have been so fairly relaxed..hopefully the rest of my vacation will go just as well. Was initially planning to go to Australia but decided to stay home as there are quite a fair bit of errands to run and realized there are so much things to buy, to do and so many old friends that I should make time to meet and there is no better time than this break I am having.

Looking forward to a stressless and relaxing break!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Just came back from a short trip to KL to visit frens and while there, spotted some shop names and slogans they used that were so creative and funny.

There is this lighting shop opposite my fren's house and it is call ilightyou and a youtiao stall called iloveyoo (yoo because that's the KL style of writing I guess) and while out shopping, saw this watch shop with this slogan on their shop front "if your clock doesn't tick, tock to us".

Funny right? Guess we won't spot these until we slow down and observe our surroundings more.