Saturday, November 26, 2011

Busy Bee

These days my life is so swarm with activities that my only free evenings are Mondays and Saturdays.

Most of what I am busy with is pretty repetitive but just can't run away from them :
- Accupuncture at TCM clinic 3 times a week to improve my thyroid condition
- Night teleconferences 2 times a week
- Exercise class on Thursday night and Saturday morning

On top of that I am also dealing with these :
- Xmas shopping and preparation of presents for some friends and meeting up with them as well
- Some art and craft projects that I meant to start on for...ever!
- Talking to some headhunters regarding some new roles
- Planning and packing for an upcoming trip to Europe in December
- Talking to a migration lawyer on some advice on migration
- Dealing with bank on my housing loan and deposits

No wonder everyday I am yawning like crazy even though I am trying hard to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Big improvements from 6 hours in the past and the accupuncture really help aid me in having better sleep but it means I have to cut down hours spent in front of computer or reading my story books so I can grab 2 more hours of sleep per day. Worse of all is I used to sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays but due to my schedule and activities these days I had to wake up about the same time as the work week....sigh.

Writing this entry just reminded me I am supposed to meet my best friend since August and it is now already coming to December! Both our schedule just clashed very badly and really hope that I will get a chance to meet her before we both go on our separate holidays.

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