Saturday, September 4, 2010


I suspected I have used this subject title a few times in this blog but I am just too lazy to go back and search so sue me for lack of originality if you can.

So, yesterday was a super long day for me, started at 6 am (frens who know me well know I am simply not a morning person) just so I can make it to work at 730 am in the morning for a meeting starting at 8 am. So after a longggg day of meetings back to back, I was finally able to get back to my desk to work on a project my boss asked me to work on and which I have to passed it on to another colleague in the US to finish the rest.

So I worked and worked on it until 730pm, that's an astonishingly 12 hours at one, minus that perhaps 45 mins I took for work, it is still more than 11 hours. And I don't know what happened but I have a habit of checking what I attached before I sent and lo and behold, the file was in its original form without my comments...arrghhhhh and by now I was so shagged that I just give up searching for it. So I came home and have a quick dinner before I started searching for the missing file.

Alas all was lost, I might have deleted it while cleaning my desktop and accidentally deleted it as well. So I quickly redo everything and sent it out to my colleague as my boss gave us a deadline of 12 pm which was 12 midnight my time. So, all that said and done, I am just glad the day is over.

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