Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can't be single?

Saw this article that day and saved it so I can share them with my friends here. The title of the article is "The shocking effects of being single"

Read the article here.

I read through the whole entire article and I don't agreed with most of what they are saying. Frankly I think the writer should go research also on the cons of being married.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's Sweet

First and foremost let me just say the name is so corny and utterly not proper English. It is a name of a restaurant that my friend and I tried out over the long weekend that just passed.
I overheard someone during lunch about this place and her feedback was the food is not fantastic but that day my friend and I ended up in the same mall and I actually asked my friend to let's try the restaurant together. Which we did and true enough, food is not fantastic, the quantity of food is just not sufficient, the layout of the entire buffet spread (if you can call it a buffet) is just so badly designed. There are hardly any room to queue and to walk and the speed at which they send out the food from the kitchen is really really slow.

As my friend said after the experience that she will never come back again and I ditto it. We think it is just a fad that ended up with such a long queue but if you are smart, you will go to the restaurants around it which serve better food at the same price or less.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Flea Market Experience

I ran a blogshop in case you are a new reader and don't know, my blogshop is call Rêveur Belle. For months it has been a struggle for me to juggle both work, social life and a 'business'. And when my friend approached me one day to asked if I am interested to run a stall with her at a flea market over a weekend, I said yes.

Alot of preparations went into the event, both for my friend and I and when the BIG DAY came, we huffed and puffed to load our goods into my friend's MPV. We arrived early on the first day but it looks like there were already some stall owners who came at 6 am just to get a good location (whatever it may be).

Instead of writing about the entire experience, I just want to summarize that it was a tedious experience, one that my friend and I will not want to return to and she said good riddance to the place when we drove off.

Basically there was nothing good to say, I can tell you all the bad. The place itself is in a carpark and there are no air-conditioning (Hello!!! here's Singapore where nobody shops in non-airconditioned places), the place was not quite known to those who doesn't drive and if you arrived by public transport, you would not have known where we were since there was no publicity at all. And the organizer is a young lady who had this black face throughout the entire 2 days and she did pass by the shop at the end of the 2nd day, not smiling, not caring how you fare and who she can make the next flea a better experience. So if anyone wanted to run a stall there next time, I would simple say FORGET IT!
Since then, I have checked out 2 more locations where there are flea market to see how succesful they are and both of these flea markets are in air-conditioned location and one of the location really surprised me with so much crowd when I was expecting a ghost town since it is in the central business district. So, who knows, we may just turn up in another better location to set up shop again. Will keep you posted.


I suspected I have used this subject title a few times in this blog but I am just too lazy to go back and search so sue me for lack of originality if you can.

So, yesterday was a super long day for me, started at 6 am (frens who know me well know I am simply not a morning person) just so I can make it to work at 730 am in the morning for a meeting starting at 8 am. So after a longggg day of meetings back to back, I was finally able to get back to my desk to work on a project my boss asked me to work on and which I have to passed it on to another colleague in the US to finish the rest.

So I worked and worked on it until 730pm, that's an astonishingly 12 hours at one, minus that perhaps 45 mins I took for work, it is still more than 11 hours. And I don't know what happened but I have a habit of checking what I attached before I sent and lo and behold, the file was in its original form without my comments...arrghhhhh and by now I was so shagged that I just give up searching for it. So I came home and have a quick dinner before I started searching for the missing file.

Alas all was lost, I might have deleted it while cleaning my desktop and accidentally deleted it as well. So I quickly redo everything and sent it out to my colleague as my boss gave us a deadline of 12 pm which was 12 midnight my time. So, all that said and done, I am just glad the day is over.