Monday, December 5, 2011


"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house" as the Bible says but yet I can't help being envious. This year our company has their Sales kick off in Vegas and next year they shall have it in Orlando. Orlando...sigh is one of the city in US that I would love to go to so I can visit Disney World. But alas, I am never invited or get the chance to go all these meetings so I can only envy from afar. 2 of my close lunch kakis are in the invite list and they are planning trip extension but as both are not avid travellers they are asking me for advice and even ask me to fly there and meet up with them to be their tour guide but having spend so much money on my upcoming trip in December I really don't think splurging another $3k in airtiket alone is justified. I told them if I strike the TOTO tonight I will go without hesitating but of cos life never goes the way you want it to.

Honestly I need to go back to a frequent travelling job, I am sick and tired of being a desk bound employee.

DIY failure

Bought some linen bag and some iron-on to store some Xmas presents but guess what? 1 slight movement and the iron-on will move, thus creating some double image and the bleeding of the color causing some smudges. Not pretty at all and if I can't even accomplish such an easy DIY project, how am I going to be able to do those more complicated projects I am planning to do???

What a day!

I had such a busy day yesterday that even talking about it now seems exhausting.

I set my alarm at 930am so that I can wake up to go breakfast and church which is now my Sunday routine but before 9am, I was awaken by smses from friends and then I ended up lazing in bed reading my story book while waiting for my alarm to ring. After that I woke up, get ready and went out to interchange to get my favorite lor mee (another Sunday routine nowadays haha) and then I headed off to church.

After church, I didn't have time for lunch, I had to go to Bras Brasah for my accupuncture session but prior to that I had to go Popular and Art Friend to check some stuff out. Started my accupunture at 2 pm and told the TCM I need to finish by 315pm cos I need to rush down to Chinatown to meet my parents at 330pm. But ended up leaving the clinic only at 324pm (why so precise because I kept checking my phone!) but good thing is Chinatown is near and the bus came immediately. Met my parents at Chinatown and we headed off to the travel agent for our tour briefing but prior to that had to wait and make final payment.

Briefing started at 4pm and ended around 5pm. After that brought my parents out to dinner at Beach Road, only 1 bus which had to take a detour around Marina Square area so we reached the dinner place only about 530pm. Had our dinner and left around 610pm and took a bus to Kallang MRT to change train to Tampines. Reached Tampines and started doing our winter shopping, by the time we finished was already 9pm. My dad still wanted to go have coffee but I was so beat so we went straight home. Reached home around 945pm, shower and surf a bit of the internet and was in bed by 11pm. Dead tired.