Saturday, October 16, 2010

Waste of $

Went for my bi-annual health screening a few days back and during the screening, the doctor needs to extract my blood and she was not gentle at all, ouch!

Following that check-up, she said why don't I check for Hepatitis as well given my family history and on top of that said I have a thick neck and suspected I have thyroid. But since she is not our company doctor, she referred me to another clinic and within 2 hours, I had to run to 2 different clinics.

Anyway that's not the end of the story, they immediately wanted me to go for an ultrasound scan the same day but can't get an appointment at the radiologist. So an appointment was made for me the next day and because I left the office late, I rushed down by taking a taxi. Cost me $8 for a 15 mins drive.

And, even though I had an appointment I was made to wait an hour. After that one hour was up, someone approached me and said there is a long queue in front of me and whether I want to go for my lunch first and come back in another hour. Arrghh if I know that there is no such things as an appointment, I would have taken my own sweet time to go to the hospital by taking the bus and slowly walk.

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