Friday, October 30, 2009


Gosh it is the time of the year where all the spooky stuff comes out to play....

Just want to share something with you guys so you can spook your friends especially if you invite them to your house.

Best if you also pipe in the psycho theme..that will really freak your friends out.

Have a spooky and eerie Halloween!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Facebook Addict!

Oh no, I am an addict. According to a study, here's how you classified yourself as a FB addict.

You are a Facebook addict if...

1. You lose sleep over Facebook. When using Facebook becomes a compulsion and you spend entire nights logged on to the site, causing you to become tired the next day.

2. You spend more than an hour a day on Facebook. Lipari said it is difficult to define how much is too much when it comes to Facebook usage, but that an average person need only spend half an hour on the site.

3. You become obsessed with old loves or exes you reconnect with on Facebook.

4. You ignore work in favor of Facebook. This means you do not do your job in order to sneak time on Facebook.

5. The thought of getting off Facebook leaves you in cold sweat. If you try going a day without Facebook and it causes you stress and anxiety, this means you need help.

How about you?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today I spent 4 hours commuting from east of the island to north to west and to central. It was a bloody hot day to be out running errands.

I was definitely in a rush though I wasn't walking much faster than usual and when I was walking from one block to another, I got blocked by kids everywhere (they think they are adults but definitely kids to me) and even by saying 'excuse me' doesn't get me a way through. That was just plain rude.

You could tell they were taking their own sweet time walking and talking while you are practically sprinting. Is that the difference between students and working adults? Time is spent leisurely for them while time is money to us and there is no time to waste?

While at the schools, I also noticed there were alot of foreigners studying in those schools that I used to attend. By foreigners I think friends would know which nationality I am referring to. The school 'uniforms' are definitely changing, the hemline is getting higher and the neckline definitely lower...I even see some in their sweats. Even hairstyles are longer and more colorful than during my time in school for sure.

The admin officer at the counter was also telling me kids these days are just plain rude, talking to them as though the admin officer owe them a living. Were we ever like that to our lecturers? School workers? I don't think so.

Kids these days simply don't understand karma, wait till they step into the real world and they know how tough life is. Enjoy it while it last, kiddos.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Too much

Have you ever tried to do many things at one time? I do, somehow I am just such a person. It is not that I cannot sit still, I can, I can just coop up at home the entire weekend doing nothing but read my books.

But lately, I just feel so drained because I feel I have too many projects, too many deadlines, too many items in my to do list. Am I too driven? No, I just 'want' too many things.

With too many wants come too many uncontentment since you will always want more even though I am not so greedy.

Sometimes with so many things to do just make me feel 24 hours a day is not enough and i go by with too little sleep and too much white hair on my head....I really need to sit back and start to focus on what's most important...sigh.