Sunday, June 12, 2011

Images on Blogger

Frankly if Blogger is reading this post I just want to tell you guys posting images sucks. Everytime I tried to post new images, they all appear on the top and I had to drag them down to where I wanted them to be. Then all my post alignment and paragraphing will go out of whack. This problem is prevalent for all my older blogger account, the newer one works better but sometimes when you click something wrongly, you can never get back the same format you wanted. Blogger, please get your act in order!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Two Words

Not sure if everyone knows who is Lea Salonga, she is a a popular singer in Philippines who has a wonderful voice and sang in many Broadway plays, I was in YT when I saw this song she sang and she sang it during her own wedding which makes her husband cry and cry. Amazingly she can sing that without tearing.

The song is call Two Words which is actually "I do"

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Was searching through the internet for a song I heard when passing by a shop yesterday but can't find it but incidentally found this song. Never ever heard this singer before but I must frankly say country singers are getting very very good these days.

This singer is call Gary Allan and do listen to this song call Today on YT, the lyrics is so sad and judging by the way he is singing, it must be a pretty personal experience for him. I actually googled him and read up on him, married and divorced twice and his 3rd wife actually committed suicide..sigh. If anyone is going through a break-up, I think his songs will speak out to them.


Saw this article that day (Planet Green's 10 best places to watch sunsets in the world) but cannot appreciate it, scroll down and check out the one on Singapore. Can someone tell me why is an oil rig in the sunset attractive? Also, as far as I know, you can't see any oil rigs so near inland.

How come Nepal/Tibet Mount Everest isn't in the list? How come Hawaii, Maldives isn't there as well?